Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Happy Birthday Dear Justin....

Justin was a really good sport about blowing out the candles for his cake. I put re-lighting candles on his cake and he just kept on blowing them out until they stopped. He then asked if we could take the candles off the cake now. The cake was really good for being a store bought cake. We have always had good cakes from Safeway. They are our favorite with whipped cream frosting and custard in the middle. Mmm. Gotta love cake. Brian and Hans Michael did not want any cake after the pie eating contest. (by the way, it was really a whipped cream eating contest:)


Julie said...

Happy Birthday Justin! We can hardly believe you are 5 already! You sure are growing up fast! We love you and miss seeing you and your smiling face.
Love, The Benson Family

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how the time has gone by. I thought I saw five candles and Julie has confirmed that. Happy late birthday Justin! Hi kids!!!