Today is Katie's 4th birthday! I can't believe that she has grown so much. Katie was born in Ketchikan, Alaska and now she is in Florida. Could she get any farther in the USA?
We tried and tried to get a real smile out of Katie. Justin decided tickling was the answer. It looks like he was right!
I found these really cute Gumby and Pokey figures at a local toy store. I thought Katie would really like it.
So far I was right. She couldn't wait to open them.
Oh, well, maybe I should have bought them for Robert....
Lots of birthdays lately! Happy birthday, Katie! Glad you had a fun party. You're so nice to share your toys with your dad. :)
Wow, what else can I say. The kids have grown so much since we last seen them. Happy Birthday to the girls. It looks like you are having great adventures down there. We would love to see Kenedy Space Center. Tell your family hello from the Rileys.
Missed you in The Quilt Room, but I can see that you are having lots of good family time! Happy birthday to your two girls!
Just can't believe it! I just doesn't seem possible. I KNOW time flies but the reminders hurt. Give them ALL great big "Abshire" hugs! Love all of you!
You guys have such great kids and it is great to see they had fun birthdays. Next year you will have to come down to Tennessee to celebrate all of our kids birthdays. From Alaska to Florida, why not Tennessee! It was so refreshing to have good fellowship with like minded believers when you came for a visit to Sebring. Hope you are all doing great and the Lord bless you as you continually seek him and his will.
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