Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A Bright and Sunny Day.....

I guess we haven't been taking many pictures around here, thus no new posts. I still don't have any pictures. We are all fine, enjoying some sunlight. While the temperature is still cool, 41 right now, atleast the snow has melted. I know from past experience that we will probably have more snow and cooler temps, but I am still optimistically awaiting spring! I hope that all of our friends all over the country have some sunlight and hints of spring. We miss you all, it is a great comfort to know that you are all there.

I have started a new blog, more of a devotional sight to share bible readings that the Lord has been using in our lives. I hope that it can be helpful, I have been feeling like I need to do this for my own accountability and as a way to share more of my faith. If you are interested it is:
Hope you are all well, and that all your plans are blessed.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Ah sunshine...what a lovely thought! We are enjoying sideways rain, strong winds, and cool temperatures today. Sunrise service at the park tomorrow morning will probably require rain gear!
On a more positive note, when we have had sunny moments, things warm up quickly and it is very beautiful out! We too are looking forward to spring, but next week's weather forecast has snowflakes on a number of days.
Dennis and I went walking today in the pouring rain. The dog had been promised a walk the day before, and she perked up as soon as we mentioned the word. It was cool, refreshing, and especially invigorating when the rain and cold wind was in our faces!