Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Some Crafty Time....

For obvious reasons, 4 to be specific, I have not had much time for quilting. I did manage to make three quilted charm totes. I kept one for myself and gave the other two to Rebecca and her friend Ally. I also thought I would try knitting a hat and just finished that this week. It isn't that good, but I did learn some new things and now there is another hat in the basket at the front door. Other than that, it is pretty quiet around here. The kids are doing well in school, I have been enjoying learning along with them at times. I especially enjoy history, I hope that they do too.


Becky said...

Cute stuff, I love the hat!

wendy said...

Great job...some day I hope to learn to quilt. I love the hat. Thanks for the wishes on my blog. I'm very lucky to have my family around me they have been great. Sorry to hear we share this same event it is a very difficult thing. Tell Rob and the kids the Riley's say hello.

The Abshires said...

Oh how I miss your projects. Popping over to see what you are working on or just completed. Always a good reason for a cup aof tea and a visit. I love having the projects you did for us around the house. I miss you My Lady. The projects are great. You are so talented.